Okay, we have had it with Deep Blue (DB)! DB is one of the worst management companies that we have had to deal with! Lets talk a bit about the issues with this apartment:
1) The wireless internet is accessible through out the building, however, the modem is only in one or two of the flats in the ENTIRE building. And it is directly connected with the cable service BT...for some reason the cable would go out and when that happened the internet would need to be reset. So I would have to call the management office for DB and ask that they come over to reset the internet since I couldn't get into the apt where the modem was....
Well, we got a friendly email when we were traveling over our first Bank Holiday in Nice, France that DB was going to go to a different service provider due to the issues that we have had... and the management expects that the broadband (internet) will only be out for a few days and that the new cable will be set up soon with hopefully only a week or two of the disconnection. Okay, well we did get the wireless back in a few days - which was good since Chris needed to be able to work from home.....but we didn't have tv for WEEKS! We only got four channels... BBC, BBC1, BBC2, and the Hallmark Channel (?)... I got so tired of only being able to watch Monk while Alden napped. And this really stupid show called "Treasure Hunters....."
I called the DB management weekly to find out when we we were going to be reconnected and I was told that "they did not have a connection date set up with Sky TV"... okay, so why did you cut off service with BT if it was going to be weeks for Sky? I checked in every Friday with the management office and I always got the run around with my emails not being returned or my phone calls not being returned. (I am sure that I was the American that DB just didn't want to deal with! Finally we spoke with Elisa, our placement coordinator in the US, and she was able to get the DB management to tell her the date of connection... from start to finish it was 5 WEEKS! So rediculous! Especially when part of the 1200 pounds that Amazon is paying weekly is supposed to INCLUDE cable tv?
2) Our neighbors upstairs... right above us was a family from India...we are talking Mom, Dad, Uncle, Aunt, Grandma....and another 10+ people in a 3 bedroom ABOVE our heads. They were up all night, moving the furniture and dragging it around, cooking, laughing, and talking LOUDLY at 3 am. They woke Alden up multiple times and I had to go upstairs in my PJ's at 4 am when I had had it! Chris went up a couple times as well and these people were just nocturnal. I had had it after the 3rd night of being woken up by these people. They just didn't seem to be adjusting to the time zone!
3) There are no screens on the windows in London flats. We were located right above a business (Mailboxes Etc.) and the employees and patrons would stand outside to smoke their "fags" and it would waft into our apt. It was awesome. We had our windows open to get ventilation as their isn't AC either....... so we were both concerned with the second hand smoke wafting into our flat.
We ended up moving the afternoon my parents went back to the USA. We had considered moving right at the beginning of their visit but I didn't want to have them move when they were our guests.... Our new place was actually a 3 bedroom (it was advertised as a 2 bedroom) and it would have been a great place to be with guests but we waited until after they went home... We loaded up a large van with our luggage and Chris hauled all of our bags up to the 2nd floor (which is actually the FIRST floor in the UK as the GROUND floor is the 1st..are you with me?) But all in all, we were glad to be in our new place which was located 3 blocks away from our first place and located in Marylebone Village right near our favorite supermarket -Waitrose - and great restaurants. There was a play ground right behind our flat that Alden loved to "walk" around and swing on the swings.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
1st Week in May - Our First Bank Holiday Weekend
One of the benefits of working in the UK is the Bank Holiday at the beginning of the month of May. We decided to travel to Nice, France. Chris had been there once before in 1998, for Bastille Day, but it was my first trip. We were lucky with the weather when we were there as it was sunny and in the mid to upper 70's.
In Nice we enjoyed walking along the Mediterranean on the boardwalk during the sunny afternoons. We weren't surprised at how relaxed the rules were for bathing topless on the beaches. Many ladies were sunning their "girls" so to speak... anyhow one of the best meals we had was at a local Nicois restaurant called L'Escalinada. It has red and white checkered table cloths as well as a complimentary shot of rosemary digestive at the end of the meal. We ended up going back once more because their food was very yummy. We also enjoyed walking among the daily flower and produce market in the morning. There were some of the most beautiful floral arrangements that I have ever seen and they were selling for 15 Euro - about 25 USD. There was also amazing fruit and veges. Another discovery while in Nice was Alden's love for fountains. He LOVES them. He kicks his legs and squeals when he sees them. Europe is a great place for fountains, so he was having a ball on our trip as well.
We took a day trip to Cannes by train. It was a week before the famed Cannes Film Festival and the city was already getting ready. We wandered through the streets seeking a place for lunch and we found a lovely bistro where Chris has a duck salad and I had a pannini. After lunch we walked along the water looking at the tents that were being set up for the film festival. (I think the tents were for media and "shwag" stands for all of the celebs.) There was a lot of shopping to do in Cannes if you wanted to shop at High End Sacs, Louis V. or there were also cheap Cannes souvenir shops. Not a lot of middle ground. We left early and headed to Antibes which is a small walled town on the way back to Nice. It has very narrow cobblestone streets which great local shops. Chris found a lovely set of Oil and Vinegar holders and I found a great toy shop that had wooden toys. (I bought Alden a wooden Xylophone). Looking back, if I could do it all over again I would skip Cannes completely and spend a nice long day in Antibes.

Chris and Alden in Nice.

Alden standing on Daddy's lap in Antibes.

A famous artist who makes sculpture daily. (He was mentioned on our Lonely Planet.)

The flower market.
The second day trip we took from Nice was to Monaco. I had always wanted to go but truly as Chris had warned, it is mainly the Monte Carlo Casino. If you don't want to gamble or drive a rented Bently, Ferrari, Lamborghini or any other expensive sports car there isn't much to do. We had lunch and walked up to the casino following a path that snaked up above the bay. There were HUGE Yachts docked everywhere. We also saw the seated risers that were being set up for the Monaco Formula One Race which was going to happen later in May. We left after a few hours and returned to Nice by train.
When we left and returned to London we connected through Zurich on Swiss Air. The airport in Zurich was very kid friendly as they had play areas set up for small children. We found a quirky Swiss Airport Restaurant called the Swiss Chalet or something like that and there was Swiss Polka music being blasted through the speakers. We tried Swiss Wine that was "decent. It tasted like a Beaujolais Nouveau" Chris says when asked to comment. Traveling on the European Airline was nice. Alden got a Swiss Airlines bib out of the deal.

Family photo in Monaco.

The Yachts in the Monaco Harbor.

A sign in the Monaco Train Station.

A lovely fountain in Nice.

The play area in the Zurich Airport.
In Nice we enjoyed walking along the Mediterranean on the boardwalk during the sunny afternoons. We weren't surprised at how relaxed the rules were for bathing topless on the beaches. Many ladies were sunning their "girls" so to speak... anyhow one of the best meals we had was at a local Nicois restaurant called L'Escalinada. It has red and white checkered table cloths as well as a complimentary shot of rosemary digestive at the end of the meal. We ended up going back once more because their food was very yummy. We also enjoyed walking among the daily flower and produce market in the morning. There were some of the most beautiful floral arrangements that I have ever seen and they were selling for 15 Euro - about 25 USD. There was also amazing fruit and veges. Another discovery while in Nice was Alden's love for fountains. He LOVES them. He kicks his legs and squeals when he sees them. Europe is a great place for fountains, so he was having a ball on our trip as well.
We took a day trip to Cannes by train. It was a week before the famed Cannes Film Festival and the city was already getting ready. We wandered through the streets seeking a place for lunch and we found a lovely bistro where Chris has a duck salad and I had a pannini. After lunch we walked along the water looking at the tents that were being set up for the film festival. (I think the tents were for media and "shwag" stands for all of the celebs.) There was a lot of shopping to do in Cannes if you wanted to shop at High End Sacs, Louis V. or there were also cheap Cannes souvenir shops. Not a lot of middle ground. We left early and headed to Antibes which is a small walled town on the way back to Nice. It has very narrow cobblestone streets which great local shops. Chris found a lovely set of Oil and Vinegar holders and I found a great toy shop that had wooden toys. (I bought Alden a wooden Xylophone). Looking back, if I could do it all over again I would skip Cannes completely and spend a nice long day in Antibes.
Chris and Alden in Nice.
Alden standing on Daddy's lap in Antibes.
A famous artist who makes sculpture daily. (He was mentioned on our Lonely Planet.)
The flower market.
The second day trip we took from Nice was to Monaco. I had always wanted to go but truly as Chris had warned, it is mainly the Monte Carlo Casino. If you don't want to gamble or drive a rented Bently, Ferrari, Lamborghini or any other expensive sports car there isn't much to do. We had lunch and walked up to the casino following a path that snaked up above the bay. There were HUGE Yachts docked everywhere. We also saw the seated risers that were being set up for the Monaco Formula One Race which was going to happen later in May. We left after a few hours and returned to Nice by train.
When we left and returned to London we connected through Zurich on Swiss Air. The airport in Zurich was very kid friendly as they had play areas set up for small children. We found a quirky Swiss Airport Restaurant called the Swiss Chalet or something like that and there was Swiss Polka music being blasted through the speakers. We tried Swiss Wine that was "decent. It tasted like a Beaujolais Nouveau" Chris says when asked to comment. Traveling on the European Airline was nice. Alden got a Swiss Airlines bib out of the deal.
Family photo in Monaco.
The Yachts in the Monaco Harbor.
A sign in the Monaco Train Station.
A lovely fountain in Nice.
The play area in the Zurich Airport.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
London Week 3
On Monday Alden and I explored Kensington Palace and the Gardens. The palace houses some of Princess Diana's dresses which are beautiful to look at. Upstairs you can tour the King's Staterooms where Alden and I viewed "The Fat Venus" painting as well as the Queen's Staterooms where Alden and I saw some of Queen Victoria's toys. We explored the Princess Diana Memorial Playground from outside the fence and wandered past the Orangery and looked at guests having Formal Tea.
Thanks to Meet.com (I became a member in Seattle), I have found a group of Ex-Pat Mommies in London that I meet up with from time-to-time. On Tuesday, we met at St. James Park and strolled around the paths for awhile. Alden and I went to Anita and Henry's house for lunch and playtime on the floor of her flat.
Thanks to Meet.com (I became a member in Seattle), I have found a group of Ex-Pat Mommies in London that I meet up with from time-to-time. On Tuesday, we met at St. James Park and strolled around the paths for awhile. Alden and I went to Anita and Henry's house for lunch and playtime on the floor of her flat.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
2nd Week in London - The Rest of the Week!
My friend Heather Hill Ford from Camp Bishopswood was in London with some students for an English Themed trip. We were able to get together on one of her free days. Alden and I met her and her students at the London Aquarium. It was great to see her! I haven't seen her since 2001 or 2002 at camp. Heather has a son named Alden as well!
All of us looked in the Aquarium - which I think was quite lovely. Alden seemed to enjoy looking at the fish and all of the colors and lights. After the Aquarium, we all decided to take a boat trip on the Thames. The boat ride that we chose goes from the Aquarium/London Eye to the Tower of London and back. Heather and I got to catch up on the boat while her students went upstairs onto the deck. I drank an over priced White wine and Alden took a nap. :)
On the weekend, the family enjoyed a GORGEOUS day outside at the Tower of London. It was about 70 degrees and sunny. We went on a "BeefEater" tour at the Tower and our Yeomen Warder was quite funny. I recommend taking the free hour tour because it is the only way that you can see the chapel where some of King Henry's VIII's wives are buried. We also viewed the Crown Jewels (okay, not that exciting) and the White Tower where all of the swords and armor are kept.
After the ToL, we headed home so that we could get ready for our dinner reservations. We were lucky enough to be in London for Restaurant Week, so we ate a three course meal at Villandry - in Marlybone - which is considered to serve "modern European" cuisine. Alden ate his dinner of sweet potatoes in his stroller (a lot of the restaurants don't have highschairs)and it was an enjoyable meal.
On Sunday we went to the British Museum. The Museum has an amazing collection of Egyptian artifacts so we started there and moved into the Greek/Roman statues and Parthenon Sculptures (aka Parthenon Marbles which Greece currently wants back!) Chris wants to go back because it is an amazing building with many many things to see.

My friend Heather and I.

The family outside the Tower of London.

The Beefeater realy liked Alden a lot!

Chris and Alden in the British Museum.
All of us looked in the Aquarium - which I think was quite lovely. Alden seemed to enjoy looking at the fish and all of the colors and lights. After the Aquarium, we all decided to take a boat trip on the Thames. The boat ride that we chose goes from the Aquarium/London Eye to the Tower of London and back. Heather and I got to catch up on the boat while her students went upstairs onto the deck. I drank an over priced White wine and Alden took a nap. :)
On the weekend, the family enjoyed a GORGEOUS day outside at the Tower of London. It was about 70 degrees and sunny. We went on a "BeefEater" tour at the Tower and our Yeomen Warder was quite funny. I recommend taking the free hour tour because it is the only way that you can see the chapel where some of King Henry's VIII's wives are buried. We also viewed the Crown Jewels (okay, not that exciting) and the White Tower where all of the swords and armor are kept.
After the ToL, we headed home so that we could get ready for our dinner reservations. We were lucky enough to be in London for Restaurant Week, so we ate a three course meal at Villandry - in Marlybone - which is considered to serve "modern European" cuisine. Alden ate his dinner of sweet potatoes in his stroller (a lot of the restaurants don't have highschairs)and it was an enjoyable meal.
On Sunday we went to the British Museum. The Museum has an amazing collection of Egyptian artifacts so we started there and moved into the Greek/Roman statues and Parthenon Sculptures (aka Parthenon Marbles which Greece currently wants back!) Chris wants to go back because it is an amazing building with many many things to see.
My friend Heather and I.
The family outside the Tower of London.
The Beefeater realy liked Alden a lot!
Chris and Alden in the British Museum.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
2nd week in London - Tuesday
Alden and I stayed home in the morning so Alden could get a decent nap in - he didn't get one at home yesterday morning. After lunch, Alden and I ventured out to Baker Street and we got on the bus heading toward Westminster. Our original purpose of heading out was to go on a walking tour, but the bus was really slow so I was late again. I decided to get off at Trafalgar Square and make a dent in the National Gallery instead. By the way - in 1995 Trafalgar Square was full of pigeons that you could feed for 10 pence. The birds landed all over you - your arms, head - everywhere.... They are all gone now thanks to the Mayor of London. The statues look much better now. :)The weather was over 65+ degrees F and it was sunny. Everyone was outside. It would have been a great day for a walking tour but.... oh well.
I caught a short one hour tour at the Gallery and wandered around the Impressionist Rooms for a bit. I was holding a wiggly Alden and looking at a George Seurat painting when I hear, "Ms. Kingman?" I turn around and Casey Levesque and Maureen Reagan are standing there, two of my students from when I taught in Salem, MA! Holy Smokes! They were in London with their PoliSci Class. Completely crazy!
I caught a short one hour tour at the Gallery and wandered around the Impressionist Rooms for a bit. I was holding a wiggly Alden and looking at a George Seurat painting when I hear, "Ms. Kingman?" I turn around and Casey Levesque and Maureen Reagan are standing there, two of my students from when I taught in Salem, MA! Holy Smokes! They were in London with their PoliSci Class. Completely crazy!
2nd Week in London - Monday
I don't want to spend all day everyday by myself, so I found some Mommies' Groups on Meet.com to join. I ventured out to Chelsea to the National Army Museum to meet some other moms for a 10am playgroup...but I was LATE! The darn Circle line took forever. Not to mention that taking a baby and a stroller ALONE on the subway is not fun - esp. when many of the stations don't have elevators and you HAVE to fold up your stroller and hold your baby going down the escalator. And did I mention that I am also carrying a bag and a purse? And then there is the GAP between the subway car and the platform which give "Mind the Gap" a whole new meaning...... so I was late and when I got to the Army Museum, the lady at the desk wouldn't let me into the playspace. Luckily one of the other moms was late too so we chatted for a bit in the cafe over coffee. And I got to see Chelsea - which is a beautiful borough of the city.
I got on a bus from Chelsea to Westminister Station and then I WALKED across the Westminster Bridge to Southwark and followed the Queen's Walk to Shakepeare's Globe Theatre. This was a long walk - I am guessing about 2 miles. I love this walk. We took it often when I lived in London at St. Olaf because it was the best way to get to the National Theatre. So Alden and I strolled past the National Theatre and many fine shops and cafes until we reached the Globe. I dined at The Swan cafe - I had a great tuna and cuke sandwich with crisps and Alden ate his favorite dish which is cereal and Spinach with Basil. After lunch we went into the Globe and toured the exhibition as well as the theatre space itself. In 1995 the Globe was still being constructed, so I enjoyed getting to see the finished product this time.
After the tour, Alden and continued along the Queen's Walk past Southwark Cathedral to the London Bridge Underground. It had been a long day!
I got on a bus from Chelsea to Westminister Station and then I WALKED across the Westminster Bridge to Southwark and followed the Queen's Walk to Shakepeare's Globe Theatre. This was a long walk - I am guessing about 2 miles. I love this walk. We took it often when I lived in London at St. Olaf because it was the best way to get to the National Theatre. So Alden and I strolled past the National Theatre and many fine shops and cafes until we reached the Globe. I dined at The Swan cafe - I had a great tuna and cuke sandwich with crisps and Alden ate his favorite dish which is cereal and Spinach with Basil. After lunch we went into the Globe and toured the exhibition as well as the theatre space itself. In 1995 the Globe was still being constructed, so I enjoyed getting to see the finished product this time.
After the tour, Alden and continued along the Queen's Walk past Southwark Cathedral to the London Bridge Underground. It had been a long day!
Schreibers of London?
We arrived in London on Saturday, April 12th. The flight went great considering it was a redeye. Alden slept for most of the trip. So far, he has been a GREAT plane traveler on all of our journeys. I am glad for that.
So what have we done this first week? Alden and I have ventured out on our own as tourists when Chris is working. Chris didn't go to work until Tuesday the 15th, which gave us time to gather electric cords for our computer and got our VOIP (Vonage) phone system up and working with our local WA number. But once Chris went to work, I had to find things to do. So Tuesday, Alden and I went to Regent's Park and looked at the ducks and the other kids playing. For those of you who don't know, I spent a month in London in college for a "Theatre in London" J-Term program. We lived at Regents College, which is right by Regent's Park. Our flat is by Baker Street as well in the Marylebone Neighborhood. I like the location.
Alden had a runny nose on the flight and had developed a cough, so we stayed in on Wed. as a recovery day. But on Thursday, Alden and I went to Hamley's which is the biggest 5 story mega toy store in London and it has been in London for over 100+ years. Alden got a couple of small new toys because he was doing his best adjusting to the 8 hour time difference.
On Friday Alden and I went to Buckingham Palace where I took a picture of him by the front gates and them we went to the Queen's Gallery where I looked at some of the paintings, sculptures, and jewelry owned by the Royal Family. Getting to Buckingham Palace was an adventure. We took the bus! I had to lift the stroller up onto the bus, but there is a spot without seats (reserved for wheelchairs and "Prams" as strollers are called here). But I got to Victoria Station and managed to get to Buckingham Palace. Returning home, I did discover that some bus driver are real sticklers regarding how many "carriages" they will let on their bus. Unfortunately for me, the first bus that came by the driver said that we couldn't board because there was already a "carriage" on board.
On Saturday, Chris and I did a walking tour suggested in Lonely Planet and went to see Dr. Samuel Johnson's house - he wrote the first English Language Dictionary - and walked to the Tower of London via the London Museum, London Wall, and the Barbican. We were planning to go into the Tower, but the last tour with a Beefeater had ended for the day and I didn't want to wander through it on our own. (This was the BEST experience when I was in London in 1995. The Beefeaters make a GREAT tour!)
On Sunday, we took "The Original Tour" bus to see the city. The bus took us around the city to all of the sights with a guide - we didn't get off - you could if you wanted too, but we stayed on since we had Alden. It was nice to see the "whole" picture. We came back to Marylebone at the end of the day and decided to have dinner at a small restaurant across from our flat - The Beehive. It was really good!

Alden at the gate of Buckingham Palace....well, I took the photo so he had to pose!

Chris and Alden at the underground station.

Samuel Johnson House

Alden and Daddy on the tourbus.

Mommy and Alden on the bus.
So what have we done this first week? Alden and I have ventured out on our own as tourists when Chris is working. Chris didn't go to work until Tuesday the 15th, which gave us time to gather electric cords for our computer and got our VOIP (Vonage) phone system up and working with our local WA number. But once Chris went to work, I had to find things to do. So Tuesday, Alden and I went to Regent's Park and looked at the ducks and the other kids playing. For those of you who don't know, I spent a month in London in college for a "Theatre in London" J-Term program. We lived at Regents College, which is right by Regent's Park. Our flat is by Baker Street as well in the Marylebone Neighborhood. I like the location.
Alden had a runny nose on the flight and had developed a cough, so we stayed in on Wed. as a recovery day. But on Thursday, Alden and I went to Hamley's which is the biggest 5 story mega toy store in London and it has been in London for over 100+ years. Alden got a couple of small new toys because he was doing his best adjusting to the 8 hour time difference.
On Friday Alden and I went to Buckingham Palace where I took a picture of him by the front gates and them we went to the Queen's Gallery where I looked at some of the paintings, sculptures, and jewelry owned by the Royal Family. Getting to Buckingham Palace was an adventure. We took the bus! I had to lift the stroller up onto the bus, but there is a spot without seats (reserved for wheelchairs and "Prams" as strollers are called here). But I got to Victoria Station and managed to get to Buckingham Palace. Returning home, I did discover that some bus driver are real sticklers regarding how many "carriages" they will let on their bus. Unfortunately for me, the first bus that came by the driver said that we couldn't board because there was already a "carriage" on board.
On Saturday, Chris and I did a walking tour suggested in Lonely Planet and went to see Dr. Samuel Johnson's house - he wrote the first English Language Dictionary - and walked to the Tower of London via the London Museum, London Wall, and the Barbican. We were planning to go into the Tower, but the last tour with a Beefeater had ended for the day and I didn't want to wander through it on our own. (This was the BEST experience when I was in London in 1995. The Beefeaters make a GREAT tour!)
On Sunday, we took "The Original Tour" bus to see the city. The bus took us around the city to all of the sights with a guide - we didn't get off - you could if you wanted too, but we stayed on since we had Alden. It was nice to see the "whole" picture. We came back to Marylebone at the end of the day and decided to have dinner at a small restaurant across from our flat - The Beehive. It was really good!
Alden at the gate of Buckingham Palace....well, I took the photo so he had to pose!
Chris and Alden at the underground station.
Samuel Johnson House
Alden and Daddy on the tourbus.
Mommy and Alden on the bus.
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